Land Rover Offroad Tour at Cikole Lembang. Foto: kosadata
KOSADATA - The Land Rover Offroad Tour at Cikole Lembang offers an exhilarating and adrenaline-pumping experience for adventure seekers. Located in the tranquil forests of Cikole, Lembang, Bandung Barat, this offroad tour promises an exciting journey filled with thrills and laughter. The tour allows passengers to explore the stunning landscapes of Cikole while riding in specially designed Land Rover vehicles.
The Land Rover vehicles used for the offroad tour can accommodate 6-8 passengers, in addition to a skilled driver. The offroad adventure begins at Orchid Forest Cikole, where the challenging route starts. This offroad tour is not for the faint-hearted, as it involves navigating through rocky terrains and waterlogged trails. Even in challenging weather conditions, such as heavy rainfall, the Land Rover vehicles demonstrate their capabilities by overcoming obstacles, including water as high as 100 cm.
Adrenaline-Pumping Offroad Adventure
During the offroad tour, passengers experience a rollercoaster-like ride, bouncing on rocky surfaces and swaying with the movement of the vehicle. The bumpy rides and unexpected twists and turns provide an adrenaline rush like no other. Passengers must brace themselves as their bodies are tossed around inside the vehicle. Sometimes, passengers may even be thrown off their seats or the vehicle may need to reverse on steep slopes due to the challenging nature of the terrain.
To ensure the safety of all participants, the Land Rover driver provides clear instructions. Passengers are advised to keep their bodies secure inside the vehicle, straighten their legs, and avoid extending any body parts outside the vehicle. Despite
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